Joseph's Side of the Story read.

Yesterday at the Oro Valley Writers Workshop I read my alternative version of the Christmas Story, Joseph's Side of the Story. I was nervous about it because a number of the attendees are quite religious and a friend said that they could be offended. The story doesn't have bad words nor is it sacrilegious. But that poor schmuck, Joseph seems to be left out of the whole story except for a few mentions. Anyway, I practiced the different voices for a while until I thought they were right. It was a big hit! I got applause and requests for copies, one from a retired pastor. It was great fun.

I just can't get myself motivated to put together a book signing at my friend's restaurant, Mr An's on Oracle. I'd love to do it, but if there's one thing I've learned in my short writing career, it is that promotion is everything. That was never more apparent that at the Bookman's signing a week ago. Little promotion done (I posted it n my social media) Zero books sold. My time wasn't wasted though. I met some nice people, but I'd rather have been writing. The promotion end is something I am totally lost about. Am I too private? Perhaps. So I'll write in obscurity, but that's okay, I guess.

Happy holidays to all of you. Be kind to each other.

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