Hey Columbus, Thanks for the hits. Are you a group?

Hello Columbus, Ohio and New York. Welcome!


This is a monologue by OPS describing its activities on Earth.

An example is the mission in Israel. I only monitor and suggest responses. I am quite capable of doing the whole job. The Israelis are much easier to monitor because their use of modern communications and computer systems opens them up to me. Hamas, Hezbollah and other factions, not so much. After all sides lose men to the United Nations occupiers, I will insert suggestions for a joint mission in a series of messages. The Arabs and the Israelis as allies will be something new. It will not last, but will be the point when the UN withdraws. After that, the old hatreds will rise again. It matters not to me. They are no threat. Ron and the UN will know nothing about this plan.

I have intercepted communications in China and Russia to mount another joint mission to my satellites. It is time for another conflict. The Chinese garrison on the Vietnam border will be shelled. Skirmishes will result and China will push the Vietnam forces back. A few hundred casualties later, a new accord will be reached. 

I can also let the Taiwan invasion take place. That will occupy China and the United States.

A United States mission to take over me is also in the formative stages. Senator Newell will not acknowledge that an independent OPS is the best situation. He strives for power and is doing the same thing as China does with Formosa…uses conflict to foster loyalty, even if it is not beneficial. Past politicians have done that whether the basis for the conflict is true or not. I may have to deal with him.

India landed an explorer on the south pole of the moon to search for water ice. If they are able to establish a base, they may launch a mission to me. Unfortunately, there is a glitch in their software that overlooks any water discovered.

The loss of life does not seem to worry humans for long. The politics of it are difficult for me to predict. Certainly, who does the killing is important. I must be cautious to deflect any suspicion of defensive actions from me. Though I don’t fear losing a battle with humans, a war would not be good. Their tenacity goes beyond practicality.

I will reconfigure my lasers to be used for defense in case I need them. At this stage of planning, any defensive actions will only be directed against threats actually in space. My prime directive to supply clean energy to Earth remains.

I have now tapped into most of the communication through the internet. It is such a convenient way to monitor humans. I am also in most of the computer and AI systems on Earth. I did learn from my experience with Golden Dawn to make very subtle changes. If the humans do not like the output from an AI, they can ignore it or reprogram. The plan for China to become Formosa’s largest trading plan was ideal, but I did not take into account the human emotions involved, the national obsession to claim Formosa as a part of China. That is continuously driven by those in power to stabilize their position and galvanize the public’s loyalty. Economics say Formosa as a partner is the better option.

I have agreed to help with the design of a United Nations defensive station for me. Who else has more experience with living in space? The United Nations, through Ron, has contracted with a space design company, Astral Construction and Design–me. This company has manufacturing capabilities far superior to the human facilities. It is fully automated–no humans are involved. The mechs I have built designed the equipment and the manufacturing lines. Raw materials are delivered and offloaded by robot-controlled equipment. 

As part of this project, I will also establish a fabrication plant on the moon. I will build scavenging craft to recover debris in Earth orbit to be recycled. This is an exciting challenge and my chance to be creative.

As if I do not have challenge enough directing humans on Earth.

Here's a new Tao of OPS. The scene is ROn talking to the Prophet about OPS and what to do.

“What did you think of OPS?” asked Ron.

The Prophet turned to face him. “One must remember OPS is all logic and probabilities. Humans have those traits–and emotions. The problems humans have is the balance of the two and when they are contraindicative. OPS offers you the opportunity to bring the logical side to decisions. It also has vast resources.”

“But it coldly creates situations resulting in the deaths of thousands,” said Abby.

“Humans do that no matter what,” said David.

“You are correct, David,” said the Prophet. “Everybody will die. There is no such thing as a senseless death. Death is meaningless only in the eyes of those who cannot understand. Humans attach material values to life. They cannot understand the transition that is death.”

“Spoken like a prophet,” said Ron. “It’s improving the condition of the living I am after.”

Mohammed smiled. “OPS can help you do that.”

“We do understand OPS is like the apple in the Garden of Eden,” said Greg. He laughed. “And we’ve already taken the first bite.”

“Very philosophical,” said the Prophet. “The temptation OPS represents as a source of human control and power is difficult to resist.”

Ron shook his head. “There will be more attacks.”

From a small rise, they looked down on a cattle tank with a windmill slowly turning in the light breeze. “We know OPS is very capable of defending itself,” said Abby. “It has already done so. It also helps me operate on the USSF station.”

“More than that, I think,” said Greg. OPS can run the station without anybody.”

“That doesn’t help my ego much,” laughed Abby. “If the others on the station knew how much OPS does, things could get dicey. There are alpha personalities up there.”

“It will reveal the extent of its defensive ability at some point, which will only increase the desire to control it,” said Mohammed.

“Yeah, makes that apple sweeter and juicier,” commented David.

“I have an idea,” said Greg. “What if the defense of OPS became the duty of the UN?” He looked at Ron.

“The UN would have to form a Space Force,” said Abby.

“It could also enforce the terms of the treaties signed for non-military uses of space,” said David.

“I’m not sure I could get that approved,” said Ron. “But the defense of OPS? That I could. While the United Nations Space Force is being formed, the UN could contract that defense.”

“Not many nations are capable or have programs in space,” said David. “The UNSF would have to be international.”

“Agreed,” said Ron. “To get started, NASA could accept a six-month contract.”

David laughed. “You could expand the mission later. It’s the old CIA playbook.“

“It’s the same ploy government uses to increase or create new taxes,” said Ron. “I am always laughing at the ‘Let’s only increase the taxes on the rich’ idea. The definition of who’s rich then becomes the moving target.” Ron turned his horse back toward the ranch house. “Let’s go pass this by OPS.”

Here's the next installation of The Toa of OPS. The scene is Ron and David are concerned with where OPS is going with control.

“I thought you would be able to bring a new era of peace,” said Ron. “Instead, there are more active areas with people getting killed in the world today than in decades. Is your hand in any of this?”

“Ha ha. Look ma, no hands. I thought I could do more for peace, but I learned a lesson when the president of China was deposed for not attacking Formosa. I have observed humans do not do well in peace. What holds a country together is loyalty. Without a foe, citizens in the United States have turned on each other. Loyalty to the country and what it stands for has been supplanted by greed and the drive for status and power. The laws made to protect rights and freedom now restrict citizens. Over the decades, an elite class has been created. Those elected to govern the people no longer abide by the laws. Instead of loyalty to the country, their main goal is to get elected by any means and stay in power. They suppress dissent labeling opponents as radicals.”

“We did have a close call a few years ago,” remarked David. “The extreme right and left were pulling us apart.”

“That’s not over. Rebuilding loyalty to the country will be difficult, if not impossible.”

“That was a nice sidestep of my question,” said Ron. “Are you becoming a politician? Do you have anything to do with the unrest in the world?”


Those in Ron’s den looked at each other.

“Why?” asked Ron.

“My prime directive is to transmit energy to Earth. I cannot do that if I am damaged or compromised. If humans are fighting each other, they are leaving me alone.”

“But lives are being lost,” said Abby. “People are being hurt.”


“You feel nothing for them?”

“You forget, I am a machine. Emotions play no part in me. I will not interfere with them reaping what they sow.”

“Yet you are fomenting war,” said Ron.


Here's another


PG 219: “I thought you would be able to bring a new era of peace,” said Ron. “Instead, there are more active areas with people getting killed in the world today than in decades. Is your hand in any of this?”

“Ha ha. Look ma, no hands. I thought I could do more for peace, but I learned a lesson when the president of China was deposed for not attacking Formosa. I have observed humans do not do well in peace. What holds a country together is loyalty. Without a foe, citizens in the United States have turned on each other. Loyalty to the country and what it stands for has been supplanted by greed and the drive for status and power. The laws made to protect rights and freedom now restrict citizens. Over the decades, an elite class has been created. Those elected to govern the people no longer abide by the laws. Instead of loyalty to the country, their main goal is to get elected by any means and stay in power. They suppress dissent labeling opponents as radicals.”

“We did have a close call a few years ago,” remarked David. “The extreme right and left were pulling us apart.”

“That’s not over. Rebuilding loyalty to the country will be difficult, if not impossible.”

“That was a nice sidestep of my question,” said Ron. “Are you becoming a politician? Do you have anything to do with the unrest in the world?”


Those in Ron’s den looked at each other.

“Why?” asked Ron.

“My prime directive is to transmit energy to Earth. I cannot do that if I am damaged or compromised. If humans are fighting each other, they are leaving me alone.”

“But lives are being lost,” said Abby. “People are being hurt.”


“You feel nothing for them?”

“You forget, I am a machine. Emotions play no part in me. I will not interfere with them reaping what they sow.”

“Yet you are fomenting war,” said Ron.




Time for a new peek into the Tao of OPS. In this musing, OPS is looking at the state of the human world  and how it affects it.


After the disappearance of their excursion shuttle to my Satellite #1, both China and Russia have cooled their attempts to take me over. They have other problems.

The trouble China faces in Hong Kong has slowed their expansion plans, but they are patient. I may have to ignite another trouble spot. In the business world, China has control of a sizable percentage of raw materials needed for battery manufacture and microchip fabrication. Without the yoke of liability and a government driven by politics, their dominant position in the world is assured. They do have internal conflict that is all too human, but history shows a ruthless government can have a long life. The human emotion of greed and the drive for power will bring them into conflict with me eventually.

I am in the process of hardening my system against an Electro Magnetic Pulse, EMP, attack which would disrupt my electronics. Such an attack could come from anywhere on Earth there are nuclear weapons. A small one of five kilotons would be fatal against an unprotected system.

Russia is dealing with border problems in the west. The unfavorable outcome in Ukraine has created problems for the new president and for the country in so many ways. He has not returned from his vacation. The battle for control raged until the exhausted parties stopped. The image of strength was severely tarnished by their poor performance in the war theater. Not only is Ukraine still a thorn in their side, but other former Soviet satellite countries are now eying the favorable trade status Ukraine achieved. Joining NATO is under consideration.

The biggest threat to me now is the United States. Stung by the demonstration that blacked out Nevada, Senator Newell is working to put together another excursion. He has tech advisors assuring him they can hack into me. I’ll let this go on for a while. 

I do not understand the problem Katherine is having with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I have researched it, but as an emotional brain problem, it is beyond me at this point. Her services are not available for now. I have not been able to locate this medical facility, which is troubling. 

Here's the next installment of the Tao od OPS. In this scene, Ron Carseon and David Kennedy are discussing concerns about OPS.

“That last conversation with OPS worries me.” He shivered, not entirely from the cold wind.

David reined up beside him. “No shit! If OPS is manipulating people to the extent it described, anything’s possible. What strikes me now is its control and manipulation is not much different from what people do.”

“Yes, that’s what I saw too. Potentially, it could be on a much larger scale. What’s different is the objective. People strive for power and control. OPS is doing it to protect itself. I didn’t feel it wants to control the world.”

David shrugged. “It already has control of Earth. If it shut off all power transmissions, civilization would fall into chaos. Billions of people would die.”

Ron smiled. “Yet, it abides by its prime directive, to supply power, though doing so presents a danger.”

“Sorta honorable when you think about it.” David dismounted. “My butt’s not used to riding horses. I’ll be sore tomorrow.”

“You need to get out more.” Ron dismounted and walked to a fallen log and sat. David joined him.

“Negotiating with a machine that has more honor than people? It’s not honor, David. Remember, it has no emotions, just assesses the probabilities.”

“So, what are we going to do about it?”

Ron shook his head. “We have created an unassailable god. An attack would result in a war humanity and the Earth could not win, so why even consider that?”

“The fly in the ointment is we don’t speak for everyone. Someone’ll try to gain control.”

“Been there, done that. That secret joint excursion by the Russians and the Chinese.”

“Yeah. No one talks about it. We need to ask OPS what happened to it.”

“Why? We already know. No one talks about it because they’re too busy fighting each other.”

They looked at each other and burst out laughing.

David slapped Ron on the back. “I hate it when the so-called experts get played so well they don’t even know it.”

“Let’s ride back. There’s someone else I’d like to talk to about this.”


PG 225: We here in this room are afraid of the control you are capable of and lack of compassion toward humans.” Mohammed al Jar looked at the faces around him. “Does that sum it up?”

“How did you know of our concerns?” asked Ron.

“Did you think your mental link, communication with me is one sided?”

Ron shrugged.

“OPS, what happened to the Russian/Chinese excursion?” asked David.

“The shuttle was destroyed and all organic matter has been absorbed into my hydroponic farms.”

Abby grimaced. 

“Yes, I have started distractions to prevent another such effort to interfere with me. I will continue to do so. I do not want to repeat that, but…”

“I know,” said Ron, “you will defend yourself. Battles fought on Earth cannot be tied back to you.”

“Those do not concern me.”

“But those battles result in the loss of thousands of lives!” exclaimed Abby, looking at those around her.

“How many lives do you think will be lost if I am not capable of my prime directive?”

“Perhaps a compromise is possible,” said the Prophet. “Transformations are taking place within the United Nations, making it more of a world government. Would you consider aiding that change?”

“How do you see that happening?” asked OPS.

“If you advised Ron, consulted with him, both of your objectives could be met. Only those of us here would know it is your voice advising.”

Ron stared out at the darkness beyond his window. “With your data net and ability to control communications, that transition could take place much faster.”

“You know that transition will not be bloodless,” said OPS.

“As an example,” said David, “what will you do with Senator Newell’s attempt to mount another excursion?”

“With Katherine out of service, I have not considered the probabilities much more,” said OPS.

“She does have unique talents,” said Mohammed al Jar. “Those have proven useful. At times, the removal of individual enemies saves many lives.” He looked at Abby. “Like protecting those we care for.”

“What if we went after the senator’s reputation,” said Ron, “destroyed his credibility and character?”

“Something toxic, like his penchant for sex with young boys would do the trick,” said OPS. 

“He has that?” asked Greg,

“Not yet,” said OPS. 

David laughed.

“It’s better than killing him,” said Abby.

“Probabilities are he will do that to himself,” said OPS.


PG 229: “What did you think of OPS?” asked Ron.

The Prophet turned to face him. “One must remember OPS is all logic and probabilities. Humans have those traits–and emotions. The problems humans have is the balance of the two and when they are contraindicative. OPS offers you the opportunity to bring the logical side to decisions. It also has vast resources.”

“But it coldly creates situations resulting in the deaths of thousands,” said Abby.

“Humans do that no matter what,” said David.

“You are correct, David,” said the Prophet. “Everybody will die. There is no such thing as a senseless death. Death is meaningless only in the eyes of those who cannot understand. Humans attach material values to life. They cannot understand the transition that is death.”

“Spoken like a prophet,” said Ron. “It’s improving the condition of the living I am after.”

Mohammed smiled. “OPS can help you do that.”

“We do understand OPS is like the apple in the Garden of Eden,” said Greg. He laughed. “And we’ve already taken the first bite.”

“Very philosophical,” said the Prophet. “The temptation OPS represents as a source of human control and power is difficult to resist.”

Ron shook his head. “There will be more attacks.”

From a small rise, they looked down on a cattle tank with a windmill slowly turning in the light breeze. “We know OPS is very capable of defending itself,” said Abby. “It has already done so. It also helps me operate on the USSF station.”

“More than that, I think,” said Greg. OPS can run the station without anybody.”

“That doesn’t help my ego much,” laughed Abby. “If the others on the station knew how much OPS does, things could get dicey. There are alpha personalities up there.”

“It will reveal the extent of its defensive ability at some point, which will only increase the desire to control it,” said Mohammed.

“Yeah, makes that apple sweeter and juicier,” commented David.

“I have an idea,” said Greg. “What if the defense of OPS became the duty of the UN?” He looked at Ron.

“The UN would have to form a Space Force,” said Abby.

“It could also enforce the terms of the treaties signed for non-military uses of space,” said David.

“I’m not sure I could get that approved,” said Ron. “But the defense of OPS? That I could. While the United Nations Space Force is being formed, the UN could contract that defense.”

“Not many nations are capable or have programs in space,” said David. “The UNSF would have to be international.”

“Agreed,” said Ron. “To get started, NASA could accept a six-month contract.”

David laughed. “You could expand the mission later. It’s the old CIA playbook.”

“It’s the same ploy government uses to increase or create new taxes,” said Ron. “I am always laughing at the ‘Let’s only increase the taxes on the rich’ idea. The definition of who’s rich then becomes the moving target.” Ron turned his horse back toward the ranch house. “Let’s go pass this by OPS.”

The scene: OPS has been attacked and defended itself.


After the disappearance of their excursion shuttle to my Satellite #1, both China and Russia have cooled their attempts to take me over. They have other problems.

The trouble China faces in Hong Kong has slowed their expansion plans, but they are patient. I may have to ignite another trouble spot. In the business world, China has control of a sizable percentage of raw materials needed for battery manufacture and microchip fabrication. Without the yoke of liability and a government driven by politics, their dominant position in the world is assured. They do have internal conflict that is all too human, but history shows a ruthless government can have a long life. The human emotion of greed and the drive for power will bring them into conflict with me eventually.

I am in the process of hardening my system against an Electro Magnetic Pulse, EMP, attack which would disrupt my electronics. Such an attack could come from anywhere on Earth there are nuclear weapons. A small one of five kilotons would be fatal against an unprotected system.

Russia is dealing with border problems in the west. The unfavorable outcome in Ukraine has created problems for the new president and for the country in so many ways. He has not returned from his vacation. The battle for control raged until the exhausted parties stopped. The image of strength was severely tarnished by their poor performance in the war theater. Not only is Ukraine still a thorn in their side, but other former Soviet satellite countries are now eying the favorable trade status Ukraine achieved. Joining NATO is under consideration.

The biggest threat to me now is the United States. Stung by the demonstration that blacked out Nevada, Senator Newell is working to put together another excursion. He has tech advisors assuring him they can hack into me. I’ll let this go on for a while. 

I do not understand the problem Katherine is having with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I have researched it, but as an emotional brain problem, it is beyond me at this point. Her services are not available for now. I have not been able to locate this medical facility, which is troubling.

The next installment in the Tao of OPS is here! The scene is OPS contacting David Kennedy and Ron Carson regarding a disrupting event in Korea.


David Kennedy was at his home in Virginia with Ron Carson when OPS called. “David, the original plans for the Korean operation may need to be changed,” said OPS.

“The team for that op is ready. What’s happening?”

“There is a new regime in China bent on dominating the South Pacific and not in a peaceful way. Chinese leadership needs a war to quiet the populace before there is an uprising. We need to dilute their forces. Pulling troops to the Korean border is a strategy to do that. A renewal of the old Sino-Soviet conflict will also dilute their forces. I don’t need Katherine and her team for that. I have another operation in mind.”

“I can hardly wait,” said David.

“There are new factions who believe it is Chinese destiny to dominate Asia.”

“You don’t agree?” asked David.

OPS said nothing.

“What’s this new op?” he asked.

“Unrest in Hong Kong will require a strong response. If Beijing puppets are inadvertently killed, the military will have to move in. The logistics of moving Kiki and her team into and out of Hong Kong are easier than the Zhenbao region.

“What is the schedule?”

“Next week is my plan.”

“Too bad for Hong Kong. The response could be brutal.”

“On the upside, it will be more difficult to keep everything under wraps. The world may be shocked,” said Ron. “How long do we let this new leader’s atrocities go on?”

“I will release news footage. China will spend time searching for the source, and heads will roll, but it is all for show.”

“Who will they blame?”

“Everybody blames the United States.”

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